Day 1 - Humanitarian Mapping

Our virtual kickoff launches at 6pm Pacific Time (GMT-7)!

Make sure to introduce yourself on our Padlet!


We will kick off this year's event with a keynote presentation from Mariah Tso - “Unsettling Maps”.

Mariah is a GIS Specialist with interests in critical cartography, indigenous methodologies, and interdisciplinary storytelling.

Keynote Recording

Humanitarian Mapping

Each locale will be hosting their own HOTOSM workshops and humanitarian mapping sessions.

Save your OSM edits with our hashtags indicating the locale you are mapping for:

Local Events

Join an in-person event near you:

Los Angeles, California, US

MaptimeLA - 5:30pm @ Metro headquarters (1 Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012) - RSVP here! / Presentation Slides

UCLA - 4pm @ UCLA Young Research Library Main Conference Room

USC - 5pm-7pm @ USC Sustainability Hub

Manila, Philippines

University of the Philippines at Manila - TBD

Manoa, Hawaii, US

University of Hawaii at Manoa - Virtual

Mexico City, Mexico

GeoCentro - TBD

Tokyo, Japan

Reitaku University - Please visit this page for more information.